Antigonish Town & County Library

The vison of Father Jimmy Tompkins & Nora Bateson can be seen today in places like Antigonish, Nova Scotia. In response to public demand the Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library, the Town of Antigonish, and the Municipality of the County of Antigonish have sought to replace a substandard and inadequate public library facility for several years. This project, named the People’s Place, has replaced that facility with a 14,000 square foot, welcoming, versatile, & environmentally efficient building located at 283 Main Street, Antigonish. It features a state of the art Community Access Program site (C@P), non-profit meeting and programming spaces, a permanent home for the Antigonish County Adult Learning Association, and a high visibility location for Guysborough Antigonish Strait Health Authority’s Health Connections. Visit the CBC website to see the news clip, "Cutting Edge Library," June 16, 2011.